Helping DACA Recipients.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20
PROGRAM # 8158 12:00 PM PST.

Helping DACA Recipients.

As tens of thousands Dreamers rush to meet the October 5 deadline to renew their DACA applications after Trump ended the program, a judge in Brooklyn calls on the federal government to extend the tight deadline. Grassroots groups, colleges, school districts and other institutions are redoubling efforts to help file applications, assist with legal aid or provide mental health support through new Dream Centers and campaigns of community outreach. Young activists also ramp up their pressure on politicians from both parties urging for legislation to protect at-risk families. This is a conversation with key speakers at today’s town hall meeting on DACA in Fresno.

Guests: Brisa Cruz and Javier Vasquez, Undocumented Youth Leaders; Father Joaquin Arriaga, Priest, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Fresno, CA; Trustee Miguel Arias, State Center Community College, Fresno, CA.


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One Response to Helping DACA Recipients.

  1. Dr. Ovalle said: Thank you

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