Asylum and Credible Fear Claims.


As violence escalates in Mexico and Central America, the numbers of claims for political asylum are rising, and so are the political attacks. A new study digs into the credible fear claims and the obstacles to get political asylum in the United States. Mexican exiles also comment on the first visit of representatives from the federal government to the U.S. to meet with exiles and discuss the issue of the disappeared. In this edition, guests discuss agreements exiles reached with the Mexican government and they report on the case of one disappeared family, which is now on trial at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

Guests: Sara Campos, Attorney, Independent Consultant, American Immigration Council, Berkeley, CA; Carlos Spector Calderón, Attorney, Political Asylum Specialist, El Paso, TX; Cipriana Jurado, President, Mexicanos en Exilio, El Paso, TX; Maria Alvarado, Member, Mexicanos en Exilio, El Paso, TX.



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