“187: Rise of the Latino Vote.” Also, “Latino Vote: Dispatches from the Battleground.”

Thursday_673x324 12THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1
PROGRAM #9025 12:00 PM PT

“187: Rise of the Latino Vote.”

This is a conversation with the creators of a documentary about Proposition 187, the ill-famed law from 1994 that after seeking to deny public services to immigrants ended up spurring millions of Latinos to register to vote. Proposition 187 sparked a mass movement that brought tens of thousands to the streets, spawned a new generation of political and social leaders and helped transform California into a progressive state for the first time. The filmmakers draw parallels between the situation then and now. The film is voiced by actor Danny Trejo and premieres this month on public TV stations around California.

Guests: Omar Foglio and José Luis Figueroa, Filmmakers, Dignicraft Collective, Producers of “187: Rise of the Latino Vote,” San Diego, CA.

“Latino Vote: Dispatches from the Battleground.” This film looks into the highly charged political climate of the 2020 election through the eyes of Latino voters who are expected to break yet new records of turnout. The documentary follows progressive organizers as well as Latino evangelical operatives in the battleground states of Nevada, Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania. It premieres next week on PBS, the national public TV network.

Guest: Bernardo Ruiz, Filmmaker, Director, “Latino Vote: Dispatches from the Battleground,” New York, NY.

Photo: Courtesy of KCET

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