Common Core: Ready?


This year 45 states and the District of Columbia are starting to use the new Common Core State Standards for English language and math. The education initiative was designed to revamp the way schools teach and assess students, placing less emphasis on memorization and more on critical thinking, reasoning and problem solving. It seeks to prepare students for life after high school. Texas and four other states have decided against the standards. Some question that the standards were never field-tested, and students and teachers are being expected to do more and do it more quickly. Latino leaders are concerned about the impact on ELL and Latino students, who are traditionally underperforming in math and English. In this program, education leaders offer different views.

Guests: Gabriela Uro, Manager, ELL Policy and Research, Council of the Great City Schools, Washington, DC,; Leo Gómez, President, National Association for Bilingual Education, Professor, Bilingual and Bicultural Education, University of Texas Panamerican, Edinburg, TX,

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