Free College in California. Also, Families Reading at Home. Also, Mass Evacuations During Wild Fires.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, OCTOBER 9
PROGRAM # 8173 12:00 PM PST.

Free College in California.

California would offer a free year of community college if Gov. Brown signs the bill into law. California may join Tennessee, Oregon and Rhode Island in the list of states that provide tuition-free community college programs. This is an interview with the author of the bill, who also comments on a bill in the US Senate that would end tuition fees at public colleges and universities.

Guest: Assemblyman Miguel Santiago, Democrat, Los Angeles, CA.

Families Reading at Home. Young Latino children like or love reading books for fun, but parents have fewer books and are less likely to read aloud to their children than other parents. How to start a family reading tradition with kids? A bilingual educator discusses the topic.

Guest: María Domínguez, Executive Editor, Club Leo, Scholastic Book Club en Español, New York, NY

Mass Evacuations During Wild Fires. California Gov. Brown declared a state of emergency in Sonoma and Napa, devastated by raging wild fires. More than 1500 homes and buildings have been destroyed and thousands have been evacuated and sheltered in improvised refuges.

Guest: Ricardo Ibarra, Editor, La Prensa Sonoma, Santa Rosa, CA.


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