Extreme School Segregation.


Extreme School Segregation. As the nation marks the 60th anniversary of Brown v. BOE, a report by UCLA’s Civil Rights Project finds that the schools of New York are the most segregated in the nation, and the schools of California are the most segregated for Latino students. What are the educational problems that are associated to racially segregated schools? What has happened to school desegregation efforts and reforms? What needs to be done to promote racial and economic integration in the schools? A top expert and a public education official discuss the issue, and a historic figure who played a leading role in the case that paved the way for Brown vs BOE shares her experience and evaluates desegregation today.

Guests: Dr. Patricia Gandara, Co-director, UCLA’s The Civil Rights Project, Commissioner for the White House Initiative for Hispanic Educational Excellence, Mexico, DF, http://gseis.ucla.edu/directory/patricia-gandara ; Angelica Infante-Green, Associate Commissioner for the Office of Bilingual Education and Foreign Language Services, New York State Education Department, New York, NY; Sylvia Mendez, Student (1944) and Plaintiff, Case Mendez v. Westminster, Fullerton, CA, http://sylviamendezinthemendezvswestminster.com

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