Education Secretary Miguel Cardona. The Jan 6 Truth Commission. Arizona Vote Recount.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, MAY 27
PROGRAM # 9270 12:00 PM PDT

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona.

US Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona talks about the federal plans to reopen schools for in-person learning, and his calls to reimagine education and deal with inequities in education as part of his plans to recover and rebuild from the pandemic crisis. He also talks about his efforts to bridge the digital divide and get Latino families to access broadband internet service and restore respect and status to the teaching profession, and ensuring that teachers have a seat at the table.

Guest: Miguel Cardona, US Secretary of Education, Washington, DC.

School Reform: Values and Culture. A veteran education professor and academic researcher gives his perspective on Secretary Cardona’s plans. He hails Cardona’s access to Spanish-speaking audiences, and his plans to ensure access to digital technology is a right, his push for more school counselors and his support to bring more appreciation for teachers. At the same time, he called for a more decisive position towards vaccination before schools reopen and deep reforms in the school system, beginning with the philosophy of education.

Guest: Dr. Alfredo Cuellar, Emeritus Professor of Education, California State University Fresno, Fresno, CA.

Arizona Vote Recount. As Trump allies consider replicating the Arizona election audit model in other swing states, Republicans from Arizona’s Maricopa county are calling on their leaders in the Republican-controlled state Senate to end it. This controversy and the frustration in Arizona’s Democratic ranks because their US Senator has refused to take a firmer stand against right-wing voter suppression tactics and the Senate filibuster, are discussed with a veteran political observer.

Guest: Elvia Díaz, Editor, The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ.


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