Secretary Cardona on Student Debt and Teachers. Also, Help for Latino College Students.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MAY 9
PROGRAM # 9616 12:00 PM PT

Secretary Cardona on Student Debt and Teachers.

In this conversation, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona talks about the federal student loan programs and his efforts to help millions of borrowers of student loans to receive forgiveness through public service. On Teacher Appreciation Week, he also gives his take on the growing teacher burnout and shortage faced by public schools throughout the country during the ongoing pandemic and the steps to address this crisis.

Guest: Miguel Cardona, US Secretary of Education, US Department of Education, Washington, DC.

Help for Latino College Students. The national leader of Hispanic-serving colleges comments on the HERE Act, a new bill spearheaded by Sen. Alex Padilla and Rep. Joaquin Castro to help Latino students go to college. The bill would address the gap in college attendance and completion rates for Latino students and would partner with K-12 schools and colleges and would promote teaching as a profession.

Guest: Dr. Antonio Flores, President, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities – HACU, San Antonio, TX.

Photo: Investment Zen via Flickr

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