Restoring Bilingual Education.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, AUGUST 3
PROGRAM # 8124 12:00 PM PT

Restoring Bilingual Education.

California is allocating new funds to train bilingual teachers to address the shortage of bilingual educators and the state Department of Education has announced a new language policy to help expand bilingual instruction, as part of Proposition 58, the new law approved by voters last year. Analysts also comment on the new steps taken by the DeVos and Trump administration to scale back correction of civil rights violations. They also comment on proposed reforms in California to help students graduate from community colleges and enroll in four-year universities.

Guests: Michele Siqueiros, Executive Director, The Campaign for College Opportunity, Los Angeles, CA; Francisca Sánchez, Education Consultant, Member, Board of Directors, National Association for Bilingual Education, Former President, California Association for Bilingual Education, Patterson, CA.


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