Rethinking Discipline: Restorative Justice.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JANUARY 11.
PROGRAM # 7693 12:00 PM PT

Rethinking Discipline: Restorative Justice.

Faced with high numbers of student suspension and expulsion rates, school leaders are learning about positive disciplinary measures and more districts are embracing the practice of restorative justice. Through this approach, students learn to talk, air their grievances and resolve their conflicts using peer mediation. One school in the low-income, mostly Latino community of Coachella is starting a restorative justice program. This is a roundtable discussion with key players.

Guests: Sahara Huazano, Campaign Manager, Building Healthy Communities Eastern Coachella Valley,; Leoda Valenzuela, Sandra Ramirez and Silvia Romero, COFEM, ; Jacqueline Aguilar, Youth Leader, Raices, Coachella, CA.


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