Education Reform and Other Stories.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10.
PROGRAM # 7671 12:00 PM PT

Education Reform and Other Stories.

President Obama signs into law a new education reform bill, a major overhaul to No Child Left Behind. The US Supreme Court hears arguments on the principle “one person, one vote” to set legislative district boundaries, and on affirmative action in a college in Texas. And the new defense lawyer for Dr. Manuel Mireles, leader of a citizen uprising in Michoacan, discusses why he is confident charges against the detained self defense leaders will be dismissed in the next days.

Guests: (fragment of speech) President Barack Obama, The White House, Washington, DC; Ignacio Mendoza, Defense Attorney for Dr. Mireles, Morelia, MX.

Photo: radio bilingue/Flickr

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