Schools Reopening, Teachings on Racism.

Thursday_673x324 12THURSDAY, JUNE 25
PROGRAM # 8926 12:00 PM PT

Schools Reopening, Teachings on Racism.

Public education leaders talk about their plans to reopen schools after coronavirus forced them to close and switch to distant learning. How and when are they reopening classrooms? Also, weeks of historic anti-racism protests have catapulted racial equity issues to the front burner. Analysts discuss ideas on how to start conversations on race and racism with students, and give opinions on issues such as the bill in California to require college students to take ethnic studies and the efforts to take money from cops to invest it in school counselors.

Guests: Lily Eskelsen Garcia, President, National Education Association, Washington, DC; Dr. Stephanie Parra, Executive Director, ALL in Education, Phoenix, AZ; Dr. Antonio Flores, President, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), San Antonio, TX


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