Why So Few Latino Professors and Teachers?

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28
PROGRAM # 8295 12:00 PM PT

Why So Few Latino Professors and Teachers?

Seven of every ten college students in California are from communities of color. Yet, the leaders and faculty members of those colleges and universities are mostly White. Why aren’t more Latino professors? Why it should matter? Also, the leader of bilingual educators in California discusses the state of multilingual programs in Post-Proposition 58 California, the English-Learners Roadmap policy, the first new language policy in 20 years, and the efforts to get more funding to increase the pool of bilingual teachers, and other issues to be discussed this week by educators convening in Sacramento.

Guests: Michele Siqueiros, President, Campaign for College Opportunity, Los Angeles, CA; Jan Gustafson Corea, Executive Director, California Association for Bilingual Education, Sacramento, CA.

Photo: hechingerreport.org

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