Cowboy Cops, Teachers?


PROGRAM # 7958  12:00 PM PST.

Cowboy Cops, Cowboy Teachers?

 Despite opposition from parents and students, officials of a high school system in California allowed teachers to carry guns on campus. The same county has a controversial history of officer-involved deaths and police violence. Local analysts comment on the call for independent investigations and the killing by cops last week of a mentally-ill elderly man. Also, a civil-liberties advocate calls on cities to pass legislation to provide community control over any attempts by the federal government to get local police forces to spy on local residents through surveillance technologies as a way to carry on federal plans to deport millions and track Muslims.

Guests: Gaby Guadalupe, Media Relations Coordinator, ACLU of Florida, Miami, FL; Erika M. Brooks, Education Program Director, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Bakersfield, CA; Maria Herrera, Parent, KHSD/DELAC president, Bakersfield, CA; Josth Stenner, Organizer, Faith in the Valley Kern, Bakersfield, CA


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