Schools Reopening Plans. Also, Listening to Underrepresented students.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, JULY 22
PROGRAM # 9326 12:00 PM PDT

Schools Reopening Plans.

Amid parents’ concerns about the Delta variant, Western states are preparing to reopen schools for full in-person instruction in the fall. Experts comment on the new recommendations to allow children to return to school, including masks and physical distancing rules, and requirements on testing, vaccinations, and quarantines. They also talk about the concerns of those students who feel safer at home and prefer remote learning.

Listening to Underrepresented students. Oregon legislators passed a bill to create a task force focused on ensuring more underrepresented students are successful in college. The task force will visit colleges and universities across the state and work with students of color and rural and LGBTQ students in order to shape policy in areas such as academic success, college affordability, food and housing needs and joining the workforce after graduation.

Guest: Rep. Teresa Alonso León, D-Woodburn, Salem, OR. (TBC)


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