Plans to Attack College Admissions.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, AUGUST 7
PROGRAM # 8126 12:00 PM PST.

Plans to Attack College Admissions.

The Justice Department plans to investigate affirmative action policies in college admissions to determine whether those programs discriminate against students based on race. Civil rights advocates fear this will lead to lawsuits against universities for not admitting more white students over minorities. Also, leaders are expressing concern over plans by Secretary Betsy DeVos to severely cut investigations into suspected civil rights violations to prevent discrimination in public schools around the country. And a number of colleges are creating safe spaces for Dreamer students at a time of heightened stress and uncertainty, especially in areas like Texas after the controversial SB4 law. Finally, Rhode Island is now offering tuition-free community college, becoming the fourth state in the nation to make two years of public college free. Education leaders comment on those topics.

Guests: Dr. Antonio Flores, Executive Director, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, San Antonio, TX; Dr. Santiago Wood, Executive Director, National Association for Bilingual Education, NABE, Fort Lauderdale, FL


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