New Mexico Free College Plan. Ethnic studies on the rise and under siege. Chile in Crisis.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24
PROGRAM # 8723 12:00 PM PT

New Mexico Free College Plan.

New Mexico has announced ambitious plans to make four-year college free for all, tuition-free public colleges. Gov. Michelle Lujan-Grisham has called her plan the “New Mexico’s moon shot of higher education” and a “game changer.” His critics say free college is a “false promise” and a “squandering of public resources.” Analysts offer contrasting views.

Guests: Wil Del Pilar, Vice President of Higher Education Policy and Practice, The Education Trust, Washington, D.C.; Dr. Magdaleno Manzanarez, Vice President for External Affairs, Western New Mexico University, Silver City, NM.

Ethnic studies on the rise and under siege. At a time when California is advancing legislation that would require the teaching of ethnic studies, focused on the history and culture of communities of color, in high school, conservative leaders around the nation gain ground in sowing distrust and launching political attacks against these academic programs calling them “anti-Americans,” according to a pioneer in this academic discipline.

Guest: Dr. Roberto Rivera, Professor Emeritus, Department of Latino Studies, Pioneering Professor of Ethnic Studies in the United States, San Francisco State University, San Anselmo, CA.

Chile in Crisis. Chile is the scene of mega-rallies that began with complaints against the hike in public transportation fees and have escalated to now seek major reforms in the government of right-wing Sebastián Piñero. The president exacerbated the crisis by declaring the country at war, ordering a state of emergency and taking the army to the streets. Chilean emigres and exiles in the United States join the protests and call for an end to the curfew and to the criminalization of protesters.

Guests: Patricio Zamorano, Political Scientist, Journalist, Co-Director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, Washington, DC; Antonia Mardones, Graduate Student, PhD in Sociology, University of California, Berkeley, member of the group of Chileans in support of Chile, Berkeley, CA.


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