School Walkouts on Gun Violence. Also, Puerto Rico: Reconstruction Woes.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14
PROGRAM # 8285 12:00 PM PT

School Walkouts on Gun Violence.

Thousands of students around the country protesting gun violence stage coordinated walkouts in high schools on this day, one month after the mass shooting in Parkland. Many students, teachers and supporters walked out for 17 minutes to honor the 17 killed and protest inaction by political leaders on gun control measures. Analysts also discuss the new Florida law imposing limits on guns and allowing school personnel to carry guns, signed this week.

Guests: Camila Duarte, High School Student, Youth Organizer, United We Dream – Florida, Deerfield Beach, FL, Ruben Tapia, Correspondent, Los Angeles, CA; Sylvia Torres-Guillén, Director of Education Equity, ACLU of California, Los Angeles, CA

Puerto Rico: Reconstruction Woes. Nearly six months after Hurricane Maria and even though hundreds of thousands around the island still live without electricity, electrical restoration contractors are leaving the island. Tens of thousands also lack water, the economy worsens and unemployment is on the rise. Analysts discuss the extent of the federal aid and the mass exodus in the aftermath of the disaster. They also comment on community efforts to set up food banks, campaigns to distribute clothing, and systems to purify water.

Guests: Olga I. Sanabria, President, Committee for Puerto Rico at the United Nations, Board Member of National Hostos Movement for the Independence of Puerto Rico (MINH), Rio Piedras, PR; Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan, Associate Counsel, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, New York, NY.

Photo: Women’s March Youth/Facebook

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