Teacher Walkouts in the West.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, APRIL 30
PROGRAM # 8318 12:00 PM PT

Teacher Walkouts in the West.

Teachers in Arizona and Colorado walked out in the latest eruption of a movement that started in West Virginia. In Colorado and Arizona, the ten largest school districts closed after teachers walked out and rallied for better pay and school funding. In Arizona, teachers who engaged in a revolt via social media, are in their third day of walkouts and are watching today’s debate on the state budget, to make sure their demands are included. In Colorado, unionized teachers are supporting a ballot measure to raise taxes for corporations and those earning more than 150,000 a year to help pay for public schools.

Guests: Elena Hall, Teacher, Parent, Glendale, AZ; Vanessa Arredondo, Lead Organizer for Yuma County, Arizona Educators United, Somerton, AZ; Henry Roman, President, Colorado Education Association, Denver, CO.

Photo: Noah Karvelis/Twitter

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