New Mexico Flunking Out School Funding. Teachers Strike, Debate on Public Schools. Venezuela and US Break Relations.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JANUARY 24
PROGRAM # 8528 12:00 PM PT

New Mexico Flunking Out School Funding.

A state court found New Mexico’s education system in violation of the state constitution because it fails to give its students adequate public education, and the judge gave the state a deadline to deliver a plan to fix the schools. A civil rights attorney gives the state leaders ideas on how to begin fixing the problem.

Guest: Ernest Herrera, Staff Attorney, MALDEF, Albuquerque, NM.

Teachers Strike, Debate on Public Schools. The massive strike of Los Angeles teachers that paralyzed for six days the second largest school district in the nation, has ended with a historic settlement. At the same time, it has brought to the headlines the financial troubles of schools in Los Angeles and California, a prosperous state that’s behind in spending per student. Analysts discuss this topic.

Guests: Juan Ramirez, Vice President, United Teachers Los Angeles-UTLA, Los Angeles, CA; Eva Ruiz, Member, Board of Directors, California Teachers Association-CTA, Fresno, CA

Venezuela and US Break Relations. A leader of the Venezuelan opposition proclaims himself president of the nation and, after President Trump recognizes him, President Maduro ordered US diplomats to leave the country. A Venezuelan-American analyst says that all this is “an attempt to escalate the political polarization of the country and close the dialogue option, and now the US diplomats will be used as hostages just like federal employees in the US are being used as hostages by Trump”.

Guest: Dr. Miguel Tinker Salas, Professor of History and latin American Studies, Pomona College, Los Angeles, CA.


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