Earth Day. Also, New Action on Gun Violence.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, APRIL 23
PROGRAM # 8313 12:00 PM PT

Earth Day.

This year, Earth Day celebrations focus on ending plastic pollution, reforestation, and awareness about climate change. This program includes a report on California’s Proposition 68, a water and parks bond on the June 5 ballot to improve state parks, create public spaces in poor communities and protect water supplies. A guest commentator also discusses Initiative 1631 in Washington state, a proposed ballot measure to impose fees on big carbon emitters, a first in the nation. Funds would be invested in cleaning up air pollution, new and clean energy sources, and improving forests and waterways.

Guest: Rosalinda Guillén, Executive Director, Community to Community, Board Member, Food First, Bellingham, WA

New Action on Gun Violence. High school students from around the country walked out of their campuses on Friday in yet another nationally-coordinated display of activist energy to get politicians to tackle gun violence and school safety. Through all-day events, the students expanded the conversation on school shootings to include issues of youth of color, including police brutality, access to college, and the call to register to vote. A civil rights lawyer talks about notices she sent to certain school districts advising them about free-speech rights by student protesters.

Guests: Sylvia Torres-Guillén , Director of Education Equity, ACLU of California, Los Angeles; Jose Valdivia, Lead Organizer of Sonoma Valley Walk Out, member, Latinx Student Congress, Sonoma, CA.

Photo: Earth Day Network/Facebook

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