No Tanks in LA. Also, Racial Profiling Ban.

Monday_673x324Community advocates are urging LAUSD and Los Angeles School Police Department to end collaboration with the US Department of Defense 1033 Program, under which the federal government provides armored vehicles and weapons of war to law enforcement agencies. Activists are also calling on LAUSD to stop expansion of police in school campuses.

Guest: Manuel Criollo, Director of Organizing, Strategy Center, Los Angeles, CA.

Also, Racial Profiling Ban. The US Department of Justice announced new guidelines broadening a ban on racial profiling. Civil rights activists say these reforms don’t go far enough. The rules still allow community profiling and Border Patrol agents can still stop legal US residents of border regions based on their ethnic appearance.

Guest: Clara Long, Human Rights Watch, San Francisco, CA,

Photo: Eric Chalifour/flickr

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