Student Massacre in Mexico.


Several students from a teachers college in Mexico were killed, others wounded, and many more abducted and disappeared while engaged in political protests. Local police are the prime suspects. A mass grave has been discovered nearby. Demonstrators around the world demand the return of the students alive. In Mexico a human rights organizer comments on this case and a Mexican political asylee in the United States reports on actions of his group of exiles. Also, a representative of the largest labor union of teachers in the United States reads an open letter by the union’s national president and sent to Mexico’s president.

Guests: Rosario Piedra Ibarra, Coordinator of Comité Eureka, Monterrey, Mexico, ; Saul Reyes, Co-founder of Mexicanos en el Exilio, El Paso, TX, ; Rocio Inclan Rodriguez, Director of Human and Civil Rights for National Education Association (NEA), Washington, DC,

Photo: Andaluisa Knoll

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