Teachers, Students, Under the Gun. Also, Second Open Jan 6 Hearing.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JUNE 13
PROGRAM # 9651 12:00 PM PT

Teachers, Students, Under the Gun.

The House voted last week on a gun-safety package that includes a ban on military-style assault weapons. And after a weekend of massive marches protesting Congress’ inaction on gun-safety measures, senators from both parties announced an initial agreement on a gun safety plan. Prominent leaders of techer unions comment on those gun safety bills and also talk about the heavy toll the school shootings are having on teachers in Texas, who were already dealing with Covid-19 surges, staff shortages, book bans, and other crises. They repudiate recent suggestions from Texas politicians, who propose arming teachers, training students to fight shooters, “hardening schools,” and bulletproof vests for students and educators.

Guests: Noel Candelaria, Special Education Teacher, Secretary Treasurer, National Education Association, Houston,TX; Ovidia Molina, President, Texas State Teachers Association, Austin, TX; Tony Diaz, Professor, Writer, Activist, Houston, TX.

Second Open Jan 6 Hearing. The House committee investigating the Jan 6 insurrection is holding its second public hearing today. Today, the committee focused on how Trump and his advisers knew for a fact he lost the presidential election and even then he went about spreading a “Big Lie” in an effort to subvert the popular will and the outcome of the election. A reporter highlights this and other key moments of the session.

Guest: José López Zamorano, Political Reporter, Washington, DC.

Photo: Colin Lloyd via Usplash

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