Bilingual Education Back in California. Also, New Reality for Higher Education.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JANUARY 9
PROGRAM # 7971 12:00 PM PST.

Bilingual Education Back in California.

After voters approved Proposition 58, public schools in California have the green light to bring bilingual and multilingual programs back to the schoolroom. The new reform will take effect in July. How are schools preparing for the new law? Where are the critically needed bilingual education teachers?

Guest: Dr. Patricia Gándara, Research Professor of Education, Graduate School of Education, Co-Director, The Civil Rights Project, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.

New Reality for Higher Education. Donald Trump promised to end the US Department of Education and nominated an education secretary who champions private schools and less regulation for for-profit colleges. What can be expected about plans to tackle the rising college tuition fees and costs of student loans? How about Pell Grant programs and anti-discrimination policies? And the help to Dreamer students? What does the new political landscape mean for Latino colleges and universities?

Guest: Antonio Flores, President and Chief Executive Officer, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities – HACU, San Antonio, TX


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