Restorative Justice in Rural Schools.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27
PROGRAM # 8165 12:00 PM PST.

Restorative Justice in Rural Schools.

As a new jail is being built in neighboring Indio, sign of a jail-building boom in the state, youth advocates in rural Coachella are pushing for restorative justice programs in the schools as an alternative to punitive discipline such as expulsion of students. For many Black and Latino students, expulsions are often the gateway to prison. Línea Abierta revisits the experience of young advocates, teachers and parents involved in this remarkable project in Coachella. During the two years of the pilot program, the team has been able to reduce the number of reported incidents of conflict and bullying. They are now seeking resources to expand the restorative circles of dialogue to other schools and make them permanent.

Guests: Prof. Encarnacion Becerra, Principal, Bobby Duke Middle School, Coachella, CA; Sandra Ramirez, Co-Chair, Schools Action Team, Coachella, CA; Victor Gonzalez, Project Manager, Building Healthy Communities Coachella Valley, Coachella, CA.


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