thursday-673x324_updateThe verdict finding George Zimmerman not guilty in the death of young African American Martin Trayvon has sparked protests around the country. This program offers news on the public reactions in Florida and the repercussions on issues such as the “Stand your Ground” law and the legal system.

Guests: Arelis Hernández, Reporter, Orlando Sentinel, Orlando, FL; María Villalobos, Organizer, Dream Defenders, Director, Unión Estudiantil Hispana Latina de la Universidad Estatal de la Florida, Tallahasee, FL; Arturo Carmona, President, Presente.org, Los Angeles, CA.

ALSO, STUDENT LOAN RELIEF? A group of senators reached a deal that would provide college students better interest rates in their loans. Congress has been reluctant to extend low interest rates for federal loans for low- and middle-income students, resulting in the interest rate doubling to 6.8 percent. A student advocate joins this edition to discuss the future of student loans.

Guest: Laura Maristany Martinelli, Executive Director of Legislative Affairs, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC, www.hacu.net

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