School Changes Confederate Soldier Mascot. Also, Latinos in College: Many Enroll, Few Graduate.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9
PROGRAM # 8196 12:00 PM PT

School Changes Confederate Soldier Mascot.

At the request of a majority of the student body, school authorities from Anaheim agreed to change the Confederate mascot after having removing some time ago the Confederate flags from Savanna High School. This school has as its mascot the symbol of “Johnny Rebel,” a confederate army soldier who fought for slavery and white rule. Angry students had called on the school to break with the influence of the white supremacist past of this conservative area in Southern California. The administration decided the issue after a referendum involving the student body.

Guests: Adrian Ruiz-Diaz, Student, Savanna High School, Anaheim, CA; Carlos J. Hernandez, Principal, Savanna High School, Anaheim, CA.

Latinos in College: Many Enroll, Few Graduate. Latino high school students are staying in school in rates not ever seen and the rise in Latino student enrollment in college hits a record high. Still, their college graduation numbers are lagging behind. An expert discusses the issue.

Guest: Linda Vasquez, Director of Regional Affairs, Campaign for College Opportunity, Los Angeles, CA

Photo: Savanna High School 50 Years of Rebel Pride/Facebook

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