Latino Students: Graduation Numbers.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, OCTOBER 19.
PROGRAM # 7633 12:00 PM PT

Latino Students: Graduation Numbers.

In this exclusive interview, US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan talks about his ideas about expanding preschool to all children, the student debt crisis and free college education, the school-to-prison pipeline, and the investment in bilingual programs. He says Latino high school graduation is at a record high and school dropout rates at a significant low. An education expert comments on those and other issues that are impacting the lives of Latino students and parents.

Guests: Arne Duncan, US Secretary of Education, Chicago, IL; Dr. Antonia Franco, Executive Director, Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science SACNAS, Santa Cruz, CA,; Yolie Flores, Senior Fellow, Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, Former Vice President , LAUSD Board of Education, Los Angeles, CA.


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