Alabama Schools: “Show Me Your Papers”?


Civil rights watchdogs found the vast majority of Alabama’s school districts were asking parents to provide their children’s Social Security numbers or birth certificates in violation of federal laws. Hundreds of families have reported problems when enrolling their children in school, raising the presumption of discrimination based on their immigration status. State officials are releasing standardized enrollment forms for all school districts. Education officials, civil rights experts and immigrant parents are being invited to discuss the questionable practices and the new policies. This is a simulcast in collaboration with Radio La Jefa, 98.3 FM, in Birmingham, Alabama.

Guests: Sharada Jambulapapi, Community Advocate for Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery, AL, ; Inocencio Chavez, Education Coordinator, Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama (HICA), Birmingham, AL, ; Marisol Aguilar, Mother and Discrimination Victim, Birmingham, AL; Leah Dobbs-Black, Program Supervisor, English as a Second Language Program, Shelby County Schools, Columbiana, AL,


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