Teaching about Racial Justice. Also, Schools Reopening, Internet Access.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, JUNE 17
PROGRAM # 9291 12:00 PM PDT

Teaching about Racial Justice.

Calling it “activist indoctrination” and “divisive,” Republicans are mounting a campaign to block school curriculums that shed light on systemic racism. Republican legislatures have passed bills to ban schools from teaching that racism is ingrained in modern institutions. Political campaigns are already picking up this cultural battle for next year’s midterm elections. An expert about “Critical Race Theory” examines the politics behind this campaign. Also, a California state legislator shares news about a bill that would require all California high schools to offer ethnic studies beggining 2025. In another story, a group of DACA-recipient college students from California visit Mexico to reconnect with their families and cultural roots after winning a lawsuit against the federal government that gave them back the right to “advance parol.”

Guests:  Dr. Gonzalo Santos, Associate Professor Emeritus of Sociology, CSU Bakersfield, Bakersfield, CA; Professor Armando Vázquez Ramos, President and CEO, The California-Mexico Studies Center, Long Beach, CA; California State Assemblymember José Medina, D-Riverside, Sacramento, CA

Schools Reopening, Internet Access. Low-income and Latino families were among the most affected by the move to remote learning in k-12 education during the pandemic. As schools are preparing to reopen classes, what’s being done to boost internet access with broadband in underserved areas?

Foto: education.rowan.edu

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