Ending Guidance on Race. Also, Latinos: An Economic Power. Also, Medicaid Block Requirements Blocked.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JULY 19
PROGRAM # 8384 12:00 PM PT

Ending Guidance on Race.

The Trump administration is ending rules issued under President Obama to guide schools and colleges on using race in admissions decisions to make schools more diverse. What does it mean for students of color and English language learners?

Guest: Rocío Inclán, Director of Human and Civil Rights, National Education Association, Washington, DC.

Latinos: An Economic Power. In an attempt to counter the toxic narrative about Latinos, national leaders have launched a national ad campaign to share facts about Latino contributions with the public. They say Latinos are the fastest-growing portion of the US economy and are a major funder of Social Security.

Guest: Ana Valdez, Executive Director, Latino Donor Collaborative, Los Angeles, CA.

Medicaid Block Requirements Blocked. In a blow to Republican governors and the Trump administration, a federal judge blocked a controversial plan in Kentucky to impose the first-ever work requirements on Medicaid recipients. A health policy expert comments on the ruling.

Guest: Leonardo Cuello, Director of Health Policy, National Health Law Program, Washington, DC.

Photo: codcourier.org

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