The Rise of the Delta Variant; Back to School Safety Measures.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, AUGUST 12
PROGRAM # 9347 12:00 PM PDT

The Rise of the Delta Variant; Back to School Safety Measures.

The Delta variant is now the dominant strain in California and the number of cases and hospitalizations are on the rise. What could be the impact in communities with lower vaccination rates, such as the rural areas? How to stay safe? And as the highly-contagious Delta variant spreads at alarming rates during the season of school reopening, school leaders are planning eleventh-hour safety measures to protect students, families, teachers, and administrators.

Guests: Dr. Paul Bayard, Chief Medical Officer for La Clínica de La Raza, Oakland, CA; Myrna Castrejόn, President and CEO, California Charter Schools Association, Sacramento, CA; Dr. Alicia Fernández, Professor, Researcher and Physician, University of California, San Francisco.

Photo: Bright Hellas/Facebook

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