Extra Edition: Back to School.

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, MAY 18
PROGRAM # 9259 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: Back to School.

School districts around California are making plans to reopen five days a week for in-person learning in the fall. The national leader of a teachers union is supporting this plan. Vaccinations are key to returning to traditional learning. Now that younger kids are qualifying, are families taking it? What measures are taking schools to reduce Covid risk? What are the federal guidelines to reopen safely? On another topic, California state legislators are proposing to set up a program to pay struggling low-income families, included undocumented immigrants, for funeral expenses when they lose a loved one to Covid. Currently, undocumented families are excluded of federal Covid-19 funeral funds. The author of the bill provides details.

Guests: Assemblymember Eduardo García, Co-Sponsor of the Bill, D-Riverside, Sacramento, CA; Zaidee Stavely, Education Reporter, Ed Source, Oakland, CA.

Photo: calmatters.org

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