Extra Edition: Climbing Up the Ladder. (Program Repeat.) Also, School Closures.

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15
PROGRAM # 9533 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Climbing Up the Ladder. (Program Repeat.)

The top ten schools with the most economic mobility are Hispanic-Serving Institutions in California, New York and Texas. Low-income students who graduate from these public colleges and universities are more likely to move up to the middle class. A top leader of Hispanic-Serving universities gives insights.

Guest: Antonio Flores, Executive Director, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities – HACU, San Antonio, TX.

School Closures. Education boards in Denver and Oakland are moving forward with plans to close and merge some schools as district enrollment drastically declines during the pandemic. The plans are being received with protests by groups of students, parents, teachers and activists. Analysts discuss the plans.

Guests: Zaidee Stavely, Reporter, Ed Source, Oakland, CA; Gladys Soto, Education Manager, Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy and Research Organization – CLLARO, Denver, CO.

Photo: Leon Wu via Unspalsh

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