Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MARCH 27
PROGRAM # 8294 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Congress passed and President Trump signed a spending bill that includes increased funding for the military and domestic programs, and money for border fences and barriers, but no relief for DACA and TPS recipients. A Republican member of Congress comments on this and about a push to bring some DACA bills to the House floor for debate through a rule known as Queen of the Hill. Also, a health policy analyst comments on plans by the Trump administration to change and extend the definition of “public charge” in order to penalize immigrants who receive certain medical benefits and tax credits. And a legal expert comments on another plan in the White House to establish a quota system for immigration judges so that they process cases faster in order to reduce the backlog of cases and speed up deportations.

Guests: Rep. Jeff Denham, Republican-CA, Washington, DC; Sinsi Hernández-Cancio, Health Equity Director, Families, USA, Washington, DC; Rosalba Piña, Immigration Law Expert, Chicago, IL.


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