Reforming Detention Centers. Also, In-State Tuition Victory.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MAY 12.
PROGRAM # 7519 12:00 PM PT

Reforming Detention Centers.

After visiting immigrant detention centers in several states, Catholic bishops found flaws in due process and human rights protections and are releasing this week a series of recommendations to reform the US immigrant detention system. A prominent leader of the Catholic church discusses the state of the detention facilities for refugee families and the growing business of private prisons.

Guest: Msgr. Eusebio Elizondo, Auxiliary Bishop of Seattle, Chairman, US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Immigration, Seattle, WA;

Also, In-State Tuition Victory. The Arizona Board of Regents will allow DACA students pay in-state tuition for the three public university systems in the state after a court ruled that DACA students were lawfully present and entitled to the in-state tuition benefit. A leading Dreamer calls this action “historic” and joins this program.

Guest: Dulce Matuz, Member, Arizona Dream Act Coalition, Phoenix, AZ,

Foto: CAFNR/Flickr

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