Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 9104TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1
PROGRAM # 9104 12:00 PM PST

Immigration Edition.

Analysts comment on Trump’s continuing efforts to target DACA, place more obstacles in the naturalization process, expel children seeking asylum, and confine immigrants in COVID-19-infested detention centers. On other news: managers at a Tyson Foods plant in Iowa rejected pleas from local officials to temporarily shut down during the pandemic and placed bets on how many workers would end up getting COVID-19, according to a lawsuit filed by the family of a worker who died of COVID-19. Finally, analysts comment on Joe Biden’s plan on immigration.

Guest: Maru Mora Villapando, Director, Latino Advocacy, Tacoma, WA; Larry Klienman, Political Analyst, Commentator- La Resistencia de Más Potencia, Radio Poder , Woodburn, OR ; Rose Godinez , Legal and policy counsel, ACLU of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE

Photo: Daawwitii Biyyaa/Facebook

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