Dreamers Visit Mexico.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3.
PROGRAM # 7601 12:00 PM PT

Dreamers Visit Mexico.

DACA-protected Dreamers from colleges and universities around the country travel to their native communities in Mexico in an often-emotional visit to reconnect with their roots. As they return to the U.S., the Dreamers are becoming active promoters of bi-national travel missions and advocates for DACA/DAPA services.

Guests: Profr. Armando Vazquez-Ramos, President and CEO, The California-Mexico Studies Center, Long Beach, CA, www.california-mexicocenter.org; Lidieth Arévalo, Dreamer, College Student, Producer of Documentary Film “Sin Raiz” (Without Roots), Long Beach, CA; Jazmín Segura, Dreamer, San Francisco Foundation Fellow, San Francisco, CA; Ramiro Luna, Dreamer, Director of Community Affairs, Latino Center for Leadership Development, Dallas, TX. www.latinocld.com

Photo: sre.gob.mx

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