
California schools suspend thousands of students every day, mostly African American and Latino students, and largely for minor behavior issues. The Los Angeles Unified School District recently adopted a rule that students can no longer be suspended for what is known as “willful defiance,” refusing to comply with a teacher’s direction. A similar bill is pending in the state Senate. This edition takes a look at how these measures could benefit Latino students.

Guests: Ruth Cusick, Staff Attorney, Children’s rights Project, Public Counsel Law Center, Los Angeles, CA. ; Silvia Méndez, Core Parent, CADRE (Community Asset Development Re-defining Education), Los Angeles, CA. ; Luis Alejo, Assemblymember, Representing 30th District, California Assembly, Sacramento, CA.

Trayvon MartinALSO, NOT GUILTY. A jury in Florida declared George Zimmerman not guilty for second degree murder or manslaughter in the killing of the unarmed African-American youth Trayvon Martin. The verdict has sparked protests and demonstrations in multiple cities. A reporter joins this edition to give an update on the aftermath.

Guest: Migdalia Fernández, Reporter, La Prensa, Orlando, FL,

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