Migrant Rights to Higher Forum. Also, A Well-Rounded Education.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, APRIL 19.
PROGRAM # 7764 12:00 PM PT

Migrant Rights to Higher Forum.

This is a report on two petitions to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Washington DC. The family of Anastasio Hernández Rojas and international law experts urge the human rights body to hold Border Patrol agents accountable in the brutal beating and killing of Anastasio in San Diego, CA. And human rights advocates ask the commission to examine alleged massive violations committed under the Frontera Sur program, a joint Mexico-US operation to crackdown on Central American migrants.

Guests: Guillermo Torres, Faith Rooted Organizer, Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice, Los Angeles, CA; Roxanna Altholtz, Associate Director, International Human Rights Law Clinic, UC Berkeley; Bernardo Hernández Rojas, Brother of Victim, San Diego, CA.

A Well-Rounded Education. An interview with US Education Secretary John King Jr about the implementation of the new law called Every Student Succeeds Act, the renewed debate on bilingual education and other topics. Visiting an arts school in Las Vegas, NV, King makes a strong case for a well-rounded education, one that combines learning of math and reading with the arts and world languages.

Guest: John King Jr, US Secretary of Education, Las Vegas, NV.

Photo: UC Berkeley School of Law, Boalt Hall/Facebook

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