Budget Clash. Also, Impasse in San Quintin.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1.
PROGRAM # 7487 12:00 PM PT

Budget Clash.

The House and the Senate approved a budget with severe cuts in areas such as health care coverage, education and job training. The plan calls to undo the Affordable Care Act and turning Medicare into a voucher-based system. A leading Latino legislator comments on this plan and reflects on the César Chávez Holiday celebrations.

Guest: Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-LA, Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, Los Angeles, CA.

Also, Impasse in San Quintin. Negotiations between leaders of striking farmworkers in Baja California and state government and growers representatives collapsed, amid calls from farmworkers to meet with higher federal officials. A social researcher comments on the buying power of minimum wage in the area, the economy of agroexport business, and the conflict of interest among high state officials.

Guest: Dr. Gaspar Rivera-Salgado, Project Director, UCLA Center for Labor Research and Education, Los Angeles, CA, www.labor.ucla.edu; Advisor, Frente Indígena Oaxaqueño Binacional.

Photo: Ben Mains/Flickr

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