DACAmented in College.

thursday_673x324Arizona is taking the country’s largest community college system to court to prevent in-state tuition for DACA beneficiaries, while in Georgia, DACA recipients who are being denied in-state tuition rates filed a lawsuit against the University System of the state’s Board of Regents.

Guests: Alfredo Gutiérrez, Member, Governing Board, Maricopa Community Colleges, Phoenix, AZ, http://www.maricopa.edu/gvbd/district5.php ; Rigoberto Rivera, undocumented student participating in the Lawsuit of DREAMers against the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, Atlanta, GA; Laura Bohorquez, Program Coordinator, DREAM Empowerment Educational Program, for United We Dream, Chicago, IL, http://unitedwedream.org/about/projects/education-deep/

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