Student Debt Crisis. Also, Mexican American Studies Trial.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28
PROGRAM # 8098 12:00 PM PST.

Student Debt Crisis.

Student debt disproportionately impacts middle-class communities of color and is ravaging the economy of young Millennials. Latino and African American families suffer more from higher rates of student loan delinquency. We hear from a leading legislator about initiatives to help students avoid or deal with debt and a counselor who helps hungry and homeless college students to complete their degrees.

Guests: Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles); Ruben Canedo, Research and Mobilization Coordinator, Center for Educational Equity and Excellence, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.

Mexican American Studies Trial. This week, the order in Arizona to dismantle Mexican American studies classes in public schools is on trial. Students and teachers are challenging the order as unconstitutional and discriminatory. An advocate for Mexican American studies and witness of the first day of trial comments on the case.

Guest: Tony Díaz, co-founder, Librotraficantes, Author, Professor at Lone Star College, Houston, TX


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