ConnectED. Also, Restoring Net Neutrality.

thursday-673x324President Obama announced a new initiative called ConnectED, designed to connect 99 per cent of students to the Internet through high-speed broadband and high-speed wireless within five years. The leader of this program shares details.

Guest: Richard Culatta, Director, Office of Educational Technology and Lead on ConnectED Initiative, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC.

Also, Restoring Net Neutrality. A number of Latino groups are urging Congress and the Federal Communications Commission to act to protect the open Internet and prevent online censorship and discrimination after a federal court struck down the net neutrality rules. A leading advocate gives his views.

Guests: Steven Renderos, National organizer, Center for Media Justice, New York, NY,; Alex Nogales, President and CEO, National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC), Pasadena, CA,


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