
Kern County schools expel more students than any other county in California. Family advocates say that instead of amending the problem, the county is increasing its suspension rates. They also point to a new trend emerging: involuntary transfers, which involve sending hundreds of students to schools that are in some cases, 40 miles away from their homes. Critics contend that these children, many of them of indigenous Mexican descent, are being treated unfairly. This edition is part of a special series on the School-to-Prison Pipeline.


Guests: Fausto Sanchez, Community Worker, California Rural Legal Assistance, Bakersfield, CA, http://www.crla.org/; Susan Ferriss, Reporter, Center for Public Integrity, Washington, DC, www.publicintegrity.org; Martha Cisneros, Mother, Arvin, CA; Erika M. Brooks, Education Program Manager, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Visalia, CA, http://www.doloreshuerta.org/


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