Pandemic Blues. Bridging the Race Gap in Computer Science. Secretary of Education nominee.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, DECEMBER 28
PROGRAM # 9130 12:00 PM PST

Pandemic Blues.

The coronavirus pandemic has brought a dark holiday season marked by a rise of outbreaks, stay-at-home measures, cold weather, low light, fatigue, stress and despair. How can you manage the winter blues and make the most of the holiday season with your household family?

Guest: Dr. Jane Delgado, Executive Director and President, National Alliance for Hispanic Health, Washington, DC.

Bridging the Race Gap in Computer Science. More women and Latinos than ever are taking college-level Computer Science Principles courses in high school. This is significant because these courses help students get better jobs in the high tech industry, and those students have been for years shut out of the field. The College Board launched a new AP course designed to give more access for all students to learn computer science. A spokesperson for the Board talks about the new course and the challenges of the digital divide

Guest: José Rios, Spokesperson, The College Board, New York, NY.

Secretary of Education nominee. Joe Biden picked Connecticut schools chief Miguel Cardona for Education Secretary. Cardona, of Puerto Rican descent, a former teacher and public school principal, would take over the system at a time of crisis for the schools. Who is Cardona? What’s the work ahead?

Guest: Antonio Flores, Executive Director, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities – HACU, San Antonio, TX.


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