Pell Grants for Prisoners. Also, The Return of Bilingual Education.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14
PROGRAM # 7879 12:00 PM PT

Pell Grants for Prisoners.

The highest education official in the US talks about new initiatives by the Obama administration to help incarcerated people transition to life after prison. Secretary John King visits a prison in Alabama to advance the Second Chance Pell Grant, a federal program to give prisoners grants –prohibited by Congress- and a second chance at college. He discusses this and other plans to help students and their families pay for college.

Guest: John B. King, US Secretary of Education, Harvest, AL.

The Return of Bilingual Education. Almost two decades ago, Proposition 227 banned bilingual education in California and mandated that English learning students be taught in English only. Today, California’s ELL students are still struggling to become fluent while dual-language immersion programs are now more demanded. To help bring bilingual education back into the classroom, advocates are promoting Proposition 58, an initiative on California’s November ballot to remove parts of the restrictive anti-bilingual ed law.

Guests: Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens, CA; Dr. Patricia Gándara, Research Professor of Education, Graduate School of Education, Co-Director, The Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles, UCLA, Los Angeles/Mexico City; Gabriela Contreras-Misirlioglu, President, San Diego High School PTSA, Member of SDUSD Latino Advisory Committee, Member of English Language Advisory Committee, San Diego, CA.


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