Distance Learning Denied?

Thursday_673x324 11(1)THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17
PROGRAM #9009 11:00 AM PT

Distance Learning Denied?

Almost all California students began the new school year in distance learning mode, receiving their education online. But at least 20 percent of California families don’t have home Internet access, threatening a large number of students with ending up deprived of their right to public education. Some education-rights groups are considering taking the idea of broadband access for all students to the voters. A state leader of school systems discusses the urgent need for the state to intervene in promoting investments on high-speed Internet infrastructure in rural and urban areas. Also, local Central Valley school leaders comment about the challenges to connect online faced by students and families in rural towns that have no wireless towers and mobile hotspots. They also comment on how can parents take a more active role in their kids’ distance learning and keep their children students motivated.

Guests: Xilonin Cruz-González, President, California School Boards Association, Los Angeles, CA; Juan Sandoval, Education Superintendent, Raisin City Elementary, Raisin City, CA; Eliseo Gamiño, Educator, Administrator, Raisin City Elementary, Raisin City, CA

Photo: ALISON YIN/edsource.org

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