Historic Impeachment Vote. Mexico’s Former Top Cop Behind Bars. New Free Trade Deal.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18
PROGRAM # 8762 12:00 PM PT

Historic Impeachment Vote.

A full House vote is expected this week on the Articles of impeachment against President Trump passed by the House Judiciary Committee. This is a report about the debate in the House.

Guest: José López Zamorano, News Contributor, Washington, DC.

Mexico’s Former Top Cop Behind Bars. Mexico’s former “super cop,” the architect of Mexico’s “war on cartels,” has been arrested in Texas. Genaro García Luna faces drug trafficking and corruption charges in New York. Now his former boss, President Calderón, is under scrutiny. What did the President know and when did he know it? What is the trial expected to reveal?

Guest: Jesús Esquivel, Correspondent, Proceso Magazine, Author of “La DEA en México” and Other Books, Washington, DC.

New Free Trade Deal. The House Democrats and the Trump administration have reached a deal on the new US-Mexico-Canada Agreement known as USMCA. Will the Senate move along? What’s in the new free trade deal? What does it mean for the common Latino?

Photo: scpr.org

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